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Performance video
Material: light tablet, glass plates (30x40cm), ink (black, blue, red, green), water

This performance video inspired by oil spills aims to tell through the material of ink our impression of Pernis. At first, the glass plates are soaked in water which represents clarity and the fishing village. The blue line materializes the presence of the river and the maritime routes that run through the city. Then comes the green to represent the vegetation which is located on the edge and acts as a mask. Black comes to criss-cross the zone of its motorway and railway infrastructures. Finally, the red that punctuates the landscape symbolizes Shell and the underlying pain that exists.

Propagation, shows that the slightest stain, the slightest drop of ink can spread in an environment in an unpredictable way. Whether on the scale of a territory, in a natural environment or in an organism, a drop can spread and corrupt an environment very easily when it can be nourished, here by water which serves as a thinner. . An element that initially seemed trivial can take on significant proportions over time and penetrate the smallest furrow.

The soundtrack takes up the beating of a heart, echoing the ink that spreads and represents an unstoppable hemorrhage. A haemorrhage follows the lesion of an organ which is then in an abnormal state of functioning: here it is the town of Pernis which has been affected and altered by the petrochemical industry. If nature, the living and the inhabitants seem happy on the outside, they are actually suffering silently. The intensity of the cardiac impulse is more and more powerful. The inhabitants collaborate and live through Shell, which extends its corruption by representing a pressing danger to public health. In the long term, hemorrhage can lead to death.

The audio also evokes sea depths and an agonizing but also intriguing song. The colors that are formed are themselves very captivating and summon a cosmic dimension that attracts us: humanity dreams of achieving and reaching disproportionate things through the enormous energy potential of oil. This oil has become a kind of drug in which we are captive and which disconnects us from reality. We all live under the toxic and harmful beauty of oil that hypnotizes us.

The New York Times (2022)

Oil Spill Triggered by Tsunami Devastates Coast of Peru. 

Initially said to be seven gallons, the oil spill turned out to be 6,000 barrels, the environment ministry said, and has led Peru to call for international aid.

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